WSJ: Russian officials believe that the arrest of Pavel Durov is an indirect hostile act against the country

ChainCatcher news, according to the WSJ report, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France last Saturday, which has drawn "anger" from Russian officials.The Russian embassy in France issued a statement earlier on Sunday, stating that French authorities had refused their attempts to contact Durov. "After the news of Durov's detention appeared in the media, we immediately requested clarification from the French authorities regarding the reasons and asked them to ensure the protection of Durov's rights and provide consular access. As of today, the French side has remained silent on this issue. We are in contact with Durov's lawyer," the translated version of the statement read.Some Russian officials described the arrest as an indirect hostile act against Russia. Reports indicate that Durov holds dual citizenship in France and Russia, while others suggest he has dual citizenship in France and the UAE. Additionally, according to NPR, the Paris prosecutor's office stated that French officials are expected to respond to the arrest issue in a statement on Monday. Telegram also issued its first statement regarding the arrest that day, stating: "Telegram complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act," and "Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide; he frequently travels in Europe."While some news outlets claim that Durov could face 20 years in prison, the initial reports from French media did not mention this figure. Following Durov's arrest, many prominent figures in the crypto industry expressed their support for him, including X platform owner Elon Musk, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin (who noted that his views are based on the information available so far), TRON founder Justin Sun, and Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko, among others.

WSJ: DWF Labs washed over $300 million in trades in 2023, manipulating the prices of YGG and at least six other tokens

ChainCatcher news, according to The Wall Street Journal, former employees from Binance revealed that Binance's investigation team found that DWF Labs engaged in wash trading exceeding $300 million in 2023, manipulating the prices of YGG and at least six other tokens, violating the terms of use. After DWF's managing partner Grachev promoted YGG, DWF sold nearly five million tokens in two batches around the price peak, leading to a price collapse. Although Binance's market monitoring team recommended closing DWF's account, the head of Binance's VIP client department and her team questioned this finding and filed a complaint with the company's leadership.Subsequently, another Binance department responsible for assessing employee compliance conducted its own investigation into the market monitoring team and the evidence they collected, ultimately concluding that there was insufficient evidence that DWF was involved in market manipulation.A Binance executive stated that wash trading could be accidental self-trading and does not necessarily constitute manipulation. The company leadership ultimately rejected the request to close DWF's account and fired the head of the market monitoring team a week after submitting the report. In the following months, Binance laid off more investigators to cut costs, and some investigators also voluntarily left. Binance executives stated that the size of the investigation team is now roughly the same as it was before.

WSJ: Former head of FTX's European operations acquires Titanic victim's gold pocket watch for about $1.5 million

ChainCatcher news, German fintech entrepreneur and former head of European operations for cryptocurrency exchange FTX, Patrick Gruhn, purchased a gold pocket watch that survived the sinking of the Titanic for a staggering £1.175 million (approximately $1.5 million) last Saturday, setting a record for the highest auction price for Titanic-related artifacts.It is reported that this 14K gold pocket watch originally belonged to one of the wealthiest passengers on the Titanic, American real estate magnate John Jacob Astor IV. After placing his wife in a lifeboat, Astor chose to go down with the Titanic. On the night of the incident, he was seen smoking on deck until the ship sank into the icy Atlantic. A week later, salvage workers discovered the watch, engraved with his initials, on Astor's body, and remarkably, it was still ticking.According to the auction house Henry Aldridge & Son, Gruhn purchased the pocket watch as a gift for his wife, Maren Gruhn. They plan to exhibit this historical artifact in a museum in the United States, allowing the public to admire it.It is worth mentioning that Gruhn was the head of European operations under FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). At the end of 2022, SBF was arrested on fraud charges, leading to the bankruptcy of FTX. Gruhn stated that he was unaware of SBF's fraudulent activities before the collapse of FTX. He used the proceeds from the sale of the European operations to purchase the pocket watch. Currently, Gruhn has established a new cryptocurrency derivatives exchange in Europe and operates a German Catholic television network.
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