
Crypto Quant Founder: The Concept of Decentralized Organizations Has Not Failed; Success Requires Maintaining Balance

ChainCatcher news, Crypto Quant founder Ki Young Ju posted on X: "Some people believe that decentralized organizations are a failed concept, and I disagree.Of course, many decentralized projects have failed. The main reason for failure is that early participants made considerable profits and often became complacent, while those who joined later found it difficult to gain returns.Balance is key. Complete decentralization is not always necessary. The core idea is to maximize individual interests, in line with capitalism. This concept is reasonable but still in the exploratory stage, seeking the right balance.Collaboration on the internet is worth attempts at decentralization. For example, Wikipedia, a platform for archiving information, could operate more effectively in a decentralized manner. In fact, there is a project called Everipedia dedicated to this. However, the reason it has not succeeded may be that a new team cannot easily catch up with Wikipedia's decades of experience and expertise. Ultimately, Wikipedia itself needs to issue its own token, but this would be fraught with difficulties without proper regulation.If appropriate regulations can filter out scammers, large companies or promising teams would also participate in this experiment. On the other hand, without regulation, scammers will continue to run rampant, and the potential of blockchain technology will be buried in disgrace.Web3 needs appropriate regulation—unless advocating for decentralization is equivalent to advocating for anarchism."

Analysis: The outstanding performance of Bitcoin and gold is related to the increase in global liquidity, the expansion of global central bank balance sheets, and the Federal Reserve's interest rate cuts

ChainCatcher news, according to CoinDesk, Bitcoin has risen by 7% in the past five days, breaking the $64,000 mark for the first time since August 26. Meanwhile, gold has set new all-time highs over 30 times this year, surpassing $2,600 per ounce. Charlie Bilello, Chief Market Strategist at investment management and financial planning firm Creative Planning, stated that this is the first time since Bitcoin's inception in 2009 that both Bitcoin and gold have become the best-performing assets of the year.Analyst James Van Straten noted that the outstanding performance of Bitcoin and gold is related to the increase in global liquidity, the expansion of global central bank balance sheets, and the recent interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, which stimulate investment and economic activity. The current balance sheet of the Federal Reserve stands at $7.1 trillion, and although quantitative tightening is still underway, the pace has slowed. The reduction in reverse repo balances, now just above $300 billion, has released liquidity back into the financial system. This has a stimulating effect, increasing the availability of funds for loans, investments, and overall economic activity.From a broader perspective, the total balance sheet of the world's 15 largest central banks (including the U.S., EU, Japan, and China) is approaching $31 trillion. While this figure itself is not the focus, the trend shows a global recovery of central bank balance sheets since July, rising from about $30 trillion. This increase in liquidity is particularly stimulating for Bitcoin, as its price movements often correspond with liquidity trends. Additionally, the Federal Reserve's 50 basis point rate cut further supported the rise of both Bitcoin and gold.
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