Telegram is close to profitability, and the founder is considering an IPO
ChainCatcher news, Telegram users have reached 900 million, and the company is approaching profitability, paving the way for a potential large-scale stock market listing. Telegram's founder Pavel Durov revealed in an interview with the Financial Times that since introducing advertising and premium subscription services two years ago, the Dubai-based social media app has become one of the most popular social media platforms globally, with revenue reaching "hundreds of millions." Durov stated, "We hope to achieve profitability this year or next." This is his first public interview since 2017.Durov also mentioned that despite receiving offers from potential investors, including the "Global Late Stage Technology Fund," valuing the company at over $30 billion, he ruled out the possibility of selling the platform while exploring a future initial public offering (IPO).Durov emphasized that the main reason for launching a profitability model is to maintain independence and believes that an IPO, as a means, can achieve democratic access to Telegram's value.