killer application

Mark Cuban: Cryptocurrencies lack killer applications, don't buy NFTs for speculation

ChainCatcher news, billionaire NBA Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban revealed on the "Wired" show how he built his fortune from scratch, expressed regret over the lack of killer applications in cryptocurrency, and showed optimism about NFTs. Here are some of Cuban's best quotes:"Cryptocurrency has some issues. When most people think of cryptocurrency, they think of speculation. That’s not the true meaning of cryptocurrency. The true meaning of cryptocurrency is to create new applications that make things better and simpler. What cryptocurrency lacks is the applications that grandma would actually want to use.""Think back to the iPhone. It was launched in 2007, but it wasn't until the best applications like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook entered the mobile market that the App Store and iPhone really took off. Cryptocurrency is still waiting for its Instagram moment. (Cuban cited that NFTs are used as tickets, so every time they are resold, the original owner gets a cut.)"The NFT market is terrible. Do you know how many other industries are also terrible? After the internet stock market crash, Amazon was once selling for $5 a share, and Microsoft was worth only a fraction of what it is now. I’m not going to tell you what to do or what not to do; I just want to say that the best time to buy NFTs is when you are a collector and you love NFTs."Don’t buy for speculation. Do you know what happens to speculators? They get crushed. One day, you’ll look back and say to yourself, 'I should have bought those damn NFTs when they were practically worthless.'"
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