carbon neutrality

HashKey Group partners with the Green Bitcoin Alliance to support the full carbon neutrality of Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF holdings

ChainCatcher news, the digital asset financial services group HashKey Group announced that it will jointly launch the "Bitcoin ETF Greening Public Welfare Program" with the Green Bitcoin Alliance (GreenBTC.Club), to green "light up" the Bitcoin blocks held by the Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF, achieving comprehensive carbon neutrality for the fund's holdings and promoting the sustainable development of the Bitcoin ecosystem.To commemorate the successful issuance of the Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF, HashKey Group will continuously purchase renewable energy certificates based on the holdings of the Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF, participating in the "greening" initiative in the name of investors collectively. A dedicated "Green Bitcoin ETF" area will be established on GreenBTC.Club to offset the carbon emissions generated by the historical energy consumption of global Bitcoin mining. Investors will have the opportunity to receive a unique NFT medal, which serves as a permanent on-chain record supporting Bitcoin's carbon neutrality and a green footprint for participating in public welfare carbon reduction.This public welfare program injects ESG concepts into the Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF, making fund holders green digital asset holders supporting ESG development. With the comprehensive carbon neutrality of fund holdings, custody, and trading shares, more people will participate in green finance, jointly promoting the sustainable growth of Bitcoin's value.It is reported that GreenBTC.Club is a community-driven global inclusive climate action network powered by DePIN, implementing the "tokenized green certificate asset protocol" based on Arkreen's on-chain issuance and on-chain consumption.

The project "Demonstration Application of Trusted Carbon Trading and Carbon Neutral Management Based on Blockchain" was launched in Beijing

ChainCatcher news, according to China Science and Technology Network, the project launch meeting for the "Blockchain-based Trusted Carbon Trading and Carbon Neutrality Management Demonstration Application" organized and guided by the Beijing Electric Power Trading Center, led by State Grid Digital Technology Holdings Co., Ltd., was held in Beijing. Industry experts and technical backbones from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Industrial Development Promotion Center, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Grid Beijing Electric Power, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power, and other units attended the meeting.It is reported that this project is the first application demonstration project established by the Ministry of Science and Technology's blockchain special program. The project lasts for 3 years and consists of 5 topics, aiming to assist China in building an open, transparent, efficient, and trustworthy carbon emission monitoring, accounting, and trading system, supporting the government in accurately identifying and regulating the sources and intensity of carbon emissions, guiding parks and enterprises to actively optimize their energy structure, and achieving precise pollution reduction and carbon reduction. (Source link)

Guangzhou Court Rules on Cryptocurrency Mining Contract Case: Business is an Illegal Financial Activity and Adverse to Carbon Neutrality, Property Rights Are Not Legally Protected

ChainCatcher news, according to China News Network, the People's Court of Tianhe District, Guangzhou, recently heard a contract dispute case arising from virtual currency mining. The court ruled in the first instance that the contract was invalid, dismissing all claims of the plaintiff and all counterclaims of the defendant. The defendant subsequently appealed, but due to failure to pay the second-instance case acceptance fee within the stipulated period, the case was processed as a withdrawal, and the first-instance judgment has now taken effect.The court reported that in May 2021, the plaintiff, a certain Tian company, signed a "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with the defendant, a certain Ma company, agreeing that the Ma company would provide Proof of Capacity (P disk) services for the Tian company. During the service process, the Tian company filed a lawsuit claiming that the Ma company had not completed the P disk service on time and in full, demanding a refund of the service fee and deposit totaling 295,000 yuan.After hearing the case, the court found that this case involved activities related to virtual currency. Relevant Chinese authorities have clearly pointed out that virtual currency does not have the same legal status as legal tender, and activities related to virtual currency are considered illegal financial activities. Moreover, the mining activities involved in this case consume a large amount of energy and produce significant carbon emissions, contributing little to the national economy, and are detrimental to the optimization of China's industrial structure and energy conservation and emission reduction, as well as to achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Therefore, the mining contract signed by both parties is deemed invalid due to harming public interests and violating public order and good morals, and the related property rights arising therefrom should not be protected by law; the consequences of the aforementioned actions should be borne by the parties themselves. (source link)
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