
Paris Court: Durov is charged with 6 offenses, and a judicial investigation into Telegram has been initiated

ChainCatcher news, according to the official website of the Paris court, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been charged with all the offenses mentioned in the introductory indictment, including:Conspiracy by an organized group to manage an online platform for illegal transactions (with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 euros);Refusal to provide information or documents as requested by authorized agencies;Conspiracy to commit crimes, including providing programs or data intended to disrupt automated data processing systems without justification, systematically distributing images of minors, trafficking illegal drugs, organized group fraud, and conspiracy or illegal acts for the purpose of committing crimes;Criminal and illegal money laundering by an organized group;Providing cryptocurrency services within a non-compliant framework;Providing encryption means without fully ensuring authentication or integrity control functions.Earlier reports indicated that Pavel Durov would be subject to judicial supervision, providing a bail of 5 million euros, an obligation to report to the police station twice a week, and a prohibition on leaving France.The court stated that Telegram had previously almost completely failed to respond to legal requests, drawing the attention of JUNALCO (the Paris prosecutor's office for combating organized crime) and the cybercrime department (J3), particularly OFMIN (the National Office for Minors). A preliminary investigation began in February 2024 under the guidance of the Paris prosecutor's office and was coordinated by OFMIN. According to the introductory indictment dated July 8, 2024, a judicial investigation has been initiated. The investigating judge has commissioned C3N (the National Gendarmerie Cyber Unit) and ONAF (the National Anti-Fraud Customs Office) to continue the investigation.
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