
Telegram CEO: Shocked by the sudden arrest without warning, French authorities have always had multiple ways to contact Telegram

ChainCatcher news, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov posted on X: "Last month, after arriving in Paris, I was interrogated by the police for four days. I was told that I might be held personally responsible for the illegal use of Telegram by others, as the French authorities had not received a response from Telegram. This is surprising for the following reasons:Telegram has an official representative in the EU responsible for receiving and responding to EU requests. Its email address is publicly available, and anyone within the EU can find the Telegram EU law enforcement address by searching on Google.The French authorities have multiple ways to contact me for assistance. As a French citizen, I am a frequent visitor to the French consulate in Dubai. Not long ago, at their request, I personally helped them establish a hotline with Telegram to address the threat of terrorism in France.If a country is dissatisfied with an internet service, the usual practice is to file a legal lawsuit against the service itself. Using laws from before the smartphone era to accuse a CEO of third-party crimes committed on the platform he manages is a simplistic approach. Developing technological means is already challenging enough. If innovators know they might be held personally responsible for the potential misuse of these tools, they will not develop new tools."

OKX Ventures partner Jeff Ren: Will continue to support innovative projects as always

ChainCatcher news, OKX Ventures partner Jeff Ren was invited to attend WebX2024 held in Tokyo, Japan yesterday, and participated in a roundtable forum themed "VC Perspective." The forum was hosted by Alex Shin, founder of Shin Labs, with other guests including Nao Kitazawa, partner at Eight Roads Ventures, and Diana Biggs, partner at 1kx, among other well-known Web3 investors. Jeff engaged in an in-depth discussion with everyone about OKX Ventures' investment strategy and insights on investment trends, emerging technologies, and the overall landscape of blockchain and crypto venture capital.Jeff emphasized OKX Ventures' focus on "crypto-native" projects. He stated that the team pays great attention to the actual utility of tokens within the blockchain ecosystem when selecting investment targets, and hopes that the tokens they invest in can truly integrate into their respective Web3 ecosystems. Additionally, as an investor, OKX Ventures will maintain a moderate level of involvement and will not excessively intervene in projects. He also believes that the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem will bring about more complex financial operations and value creation. As the boundaries between Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies become increasingly blurred, new opportunities and innovations will emerge. Finally, Jeff encouraged all practitioners to continue to maintain their faith in innovation, actively seek like-minded partners, and work together to promote the development of blockchain technology. He firmly believes that in this field full of possibilities, the ceiling has not yet appeared, and true innovation has only just begun. In the future, OKX Ventures will continue to support innovative projects as always.
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