Privacy Protection

Vitalik writes to introduce the concept of "invisible addresses" to solve the privacy protection dilemma of Ethereum

ChainCatcher news, Vitalik Buterin recently published a new article titled "An Incomplete Guide to Stealth Addresses," pointing out that one of the biggest challenges for the Ethereum ecosystem moving forward is privacy, and proposed the concept of "stealth addresses" as a potential privacy solution. This solution would enable the anonymization of P2P transactions, NFT transfers, and ENS registrations, thereby serving to protect users.Vitalik Buterin suggested that users receiving assets can generate and save a "spending key" to create a stealth meta-address that can be registered on ENS. This address can be passed to the transaction sender, who performs cryptographic calculations on the meta-address to generate a stealth address belonging to the recipient. The sender can transfer assets to the recipient's stealth address and can also publish a temporary key to confirm that the stealth address belongs to the recipient, with each new transaction generating a new stealth address.Vitalik Buterin added that, in addition to implementing a "key blinding mechanism," it is also necessary to adopt the "Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm" to ensure that the association between the stealth address and the user's meta-address is not made public, and that funds can be transferred using ZK-SNARKs technology to pay for Gas fees. (source link)
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