Polkadot Ecosystem

Web3Foundation announced the 19th batch of Polkadot ecosystem Grant funding list, allocating over 1.1 million dollars to a total of 33 projects

ChainCatcher news, Web3Foundation announced the 19th batch of Polkadot ecosystem Grant funding list. A total of 100 applications were received this time, the highest in over two years, with 33 grants approved, amounting to over 1.1 million USD.Among the funded projects, the number of tools that enhance smart contract functionality has significantly increased. These grants are mainly used to test, analyze, and improve the experience of developers interacting with Ink.The funded products mainly include applications, data tools, and infrastructure (such as wallets, parachains, and data dashboards) that serve users.Among them, there are 8 user interface projects: justmert, TPScore, Stake Plus Inc, MOBR Systems, Infra3, Liisa, Decentration, and Lastic.There are 8 projects in the Chains and Pallets category: ZeroDAO, Centrifuge, AISLAND DAO, Eiger, Myriad Systems LTD, Eiger, Off Narrative Labs, and Open Smart Contract.There are 3 projects in the Smart Contract category: Protofire, NeoPower Digital, and DAOsign.In the Tools, API, and Language category, there are 10 projects: SO/DA zone, Coong Crafts, Starks, ChainSafe, Federico Cicciarella, Salaheldin Soliman, CoinFabrik, David Semakula, Zondax AG, and Jonathan Brown.There is 1 project in the Research category: Moonsong Labs.There are 3 projects in the Wallet category: Orochi Network, PolyCrypt GmbH, and Tesseract.
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