Most BitForex users are still unable to withdraw funds, and the current withdrawal amount has not exceeded 25%
ChainCatcher news, according to DL News, BitForex has been inactive since its social media disappeared in February and approximately $57 million of user funds went missing, but it resumed activity on July 19.Subsequently, BitForex announced on July 24 that it would reopen withdrawal services later that day. Strangely, two days later, users reported that they still could not withdraw their money. In a BitForex user Telegram group with over 900 members, no one reported a successful withdrawal. Those attempting to withdraw would see a screen that seemingly tracks transaction processing by percentage, although it is not yet clear how this is being measured.According to the media, the current withdrawal amount has not exceeded 25%. For those trying to withdraw funds, the lack of communication has raised concerns about whether the inability to withdraw is due to technical issues, an excessive number of requests that may require manual approval, or whether someone else is controlling the platform and its social media channels. BitForex has not responded to the media's request for clarification.