The winners of the BNB Chain Hackvolution hackathon have been announced, covering 5 projects in the infrastructure and AI tracks
ChainCatcher news, the BNB Chain Hackvolution hackathon event has announced the winners. The total prize pool for this hackathon is $72,000, with most winning projects in the infrastructure and AI tracks, while there were no winning projects in the gaming and DeFi tracks. In the infrastructure track, Codex Field ($14,000), RIDO Protocol ($8,000), and Green Gate ($6,000) took the top three spots, while in the AI track, Op-Intents ($14,000) and Story Chain ($8,000) secured the top two positions.In addition, BNS6551, Datumendo, Greenfield Mobile, Metagent, Munhna, opSyndicate, School for AI, Smart Agree, Spacetar on opBNB, TripleC, and Xcrypt will share a $22,000 prize pool as potential projects, with each project receiving a reward of $2,000.