Bitget launches a new round of CandyBomb, with a total prize pool of 222,000 SCLP
ChainCatcher news, Bitget has launched a new round of CandyBomb, with a total prize pool of 222,000 SCLP. This round is specifically for new users, and both the trading pool and the invitation pool are open. In the trading pool, 1 ticket equals 18 SCLP, with a total of 54,000 SCLP; in the invitation pool, 1 ticket equals 56 SCLP, with a total of 168,000 SCLP.It is reported that the registration/activity period for this round of CandyBomb is from June 14, 15:00 to June 23, 15:00 Beijing time, with the winning results announced on June 23 at 18:00, and the airdrop distribution and 100% unlocking of the airdrop on June 23 at 18:00. (Source link)