Data: PancakeSwap burned 8.88 million CAKE, approximately 18 million USD
According to ChainCatcher news, PancakeSwap has just burned 8,888,476 CAKE, worth approximately 18 million dollars. The specific sources of the burn include: from transaction fees, AMM V2 revenue of 140,000 CAKE (280,000 dollars), an increase of 66%; AMM V3 revenue of 105,000 CAKE (209,000 dollars), an increase of 11%; non-AMM revenue of 200 CAKE (500 dollars), an increase of 24%. Forecast revenue of 57,000 CAKE (114,000 dollars), a decrease of 6%; lottery revenue of 24,000 CAKE (48,000 dollars), a decrease of 18%; NFT revenue of 300 CAKE (1,000 dollars), a decrease of 19%; game revenue of 1,000 CAKE (3,000 dollars), a decrease of 3%.