Vitalik: Don't let Ethereum consensus overload, we should maintain the minimalism of the chain
ChainCatcher message, Ethereum co-founder [Vitalik Buterin]( Buterin?k=OTEwMw==) reminds developers in his latest article not to overload Ethereum's consensus. He stated that over years of practice, many developers and projects have attempted to use Ethereum's consensus for other purposes, such as ultimate oracles, re-staking, L1-driven L2 project recovery, and more.However, Vitalik warned that these technologies could pose significant systemic risks to the Ethereum ecosystem and pointed out that the social consensus within the blockchain community is quite fragile. Therefore, we should maintain the chain's minimalism, helping developers find alternative strategies to achieve their security goals rather than expanding core functionalities, which would make the core itself more vulnerable. (Source link)