DEXX: Compensation is paid from the smallest amount to the largest. Compensation for users with amounts between 5000-8000U has started yesterday
ChainCatcher message, DEXX explained the questions and issues related to the compensation progress in a post on platform X:Regarding the order of compensation, it is carried out from the smallest to the largest amount;Regarding the compensation progress: from the 8th to the 14th, all users with "secure wallets + staked" 5000U and below have been compensated. On the 15th and 16th, user feedback was collected to address any gaps; on the 16th, compensation for users with 5000-8000U has begun.Regarding the compensation speed not meeting user expectations, DEXX stated: "Recently, we have received a lot of feedback on Telegram indicating that users believe they are within the compensation range but have not received compensation. However, upon checking, we found that some had already been compensated 1-3 days ago, while others did not receive compensation due to not having staked or not having generated a secure wallet. Within 2 days, we received a total of 863 similar private messages/customer service tickets. After verification, only 152 cases were found to be valid, and the large number of duplicate private messages/customer service tickets slows down the compensation process."Regarding "why the amount has been compensated in the 5000-10000 range, but I have not received compensation," DEXX stated: "To successfully receive compensation, two conditions must be met: a secure wallet must have been generated at the time of compensation, and the NFT must have been staked. Most users did not generate a secure wallet at the time of compensation. If you check your wallet and indeed have not received compensation, please ensure that you have generated a secure wallet and staked your NFT before contacting customer service to register."Users who have not yet claimed their NFTs need to manually register with customer service as the claiming channel has been closed, and their compensation will be postponed.