Li Jiachao

Li Jiachao: The Hong Kong SAR government values the development of fintech and Web 3.0

ChainCatcher news, Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive John Lee delivered a speech at the Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Summit Forum 2023 held today, stating that this forum is themed "Web 3.0 Return: Building a New Golden Starting Point," closely aligning with Hong Kong's direction for developing new growth points in innovation technology and cultural arts under the "14th Five-Year Plan." Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the internet, integrating technologies that have gained significant attention in recent years, and has the potential to become a trend driving the future development of finance and commerce.John Lee emphasized that the SAR government values the development of fintech and Web 3.0, and issued a policy declaration, clearly stating that Hong Kong holds an open and inclusive attitude towards global innovators engaged in virtual asset businesses. The government will collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment that promotes the sustainable and responsible development of Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, Hong Kong has already implemented a new licensing system for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. The government is also closely monitoring international developments to ensure that Hong Kong's regulatory requirements are prudent and facilitate market development.

Hong Kong Chief Executive: The development of Web 3.0 is at a golden starting point, and Cyberport has also established a Web 3.0 base

ChainCatcher news, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee stated during the inauguration ceremony of the Hong Kong Web3.0 Association that he hopes the association will collaborate with the government to accelerate the development of innovation and technology as well as finance in Hong Kong, increasing the volume of talent and enterprises attracted to the city, and bringing more top-tier organizations to Hong Kong to showcase their capabilities. Web3.0 plays a key role in the development of fintech. At the end of last year, the government issued a virtual asset policy declaration, demonstrating an open attitude and firm determination. Recently, some leading tech companies and high-tech startups are considering expanding their businesses in Hong Kong, including virtual asset trading platforms, blockchain infrastructure companies, virtual currency wallets, payment companies, and other related projects, which are believed to contribute to the development of Web3.0. The government also needs to establish appropriate regulations for the market, with a new licensing system for virtual asset service providers set to be implemented in June, ensuring the market develops in a stable and orderly manner.John Lee stated that President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to enhance technology and self-reliance capabilities, continuously strengthening the country's technological strength. The 14th Five-Year Plan clearly supports Hong Kong in building an international innovation and technology center. Innovation and technology is a key development area for Hong Kong, and the development of Web3.0 is at a golden starting point, capable of changing existing business operation models while creating more new opportunities. Hong Kong should dare to be a leader in this wave of innovation. The budget announced earlier by the government allocated 50 million HKD to Cyberport to accelerate the development of Hong Kong's Web3.0 ecosystem, and Cyberport has also established a Web3 base. (Source link)
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