Not Larva Labs founder: has criminal information about Azuki founder and is willing to testify in court
ChainCatcher news, NFT market Not Larva Labs founder PAULY (Jeremy Cahen) tweeted, "I am willing to help the Azuki community take legal action against Azuki founder Zagabond."PAULY stated, "He is a pathological liar or a serial criminal. My colleagues and I have spent over a year tracking him down to recover the $3 million he scammed. He and his team fraudulently extracted over $100 million from our community. I would be happy to testify about all of this in court; it would be my honor. I also have complete personal information on many team members involved in these scams."Previously, ChainCatcher reported that AzukiDAO plans to sue founder Zagabond and recover a refund of 20,000 ETH. AzukiDAO and 20000E DAO were established by some former core builders of the Azuki community and Azuki holders and are not affiliated with the Azuki project team. (source link)