$15 billion options will expire tomorrow, with BTC call options remaining the main focus
ChainCatcher news, macro researcher Adam tweeted that tomorrow is the quarterly large settlement, with $15 billion in options awaiting settlement. Market participants are intensifying their rollovers, and BTC call options remain the absolute main force in the rollovers.In today's block trades, the main slippage was 6-8 basis points, and slippages of over a dozen basis points were not uncommon, making it a rare good time for participants with precise pricing. Due to the recent high volatility in the market, the implied volatility (IV) for major maturities has not shown a significant decline, which has led to a continuous increase in the cost-effectiveness of selling options. Even for June and September, there have been good selling opportunities. Adam still believes that there will be a significant drop in IV this weekend, allowing sellers to quickly realize profits.