SBF 對與 Elon Musk 購買 Twitter 曾有“潛在興趣”,願意出資 50 億美元

2022-09-30 07:38:57

鏈捕手消息,据 Decrypt 報導,根據 Elon Musk 針對社交媒體平台的法律訴訟中披露的文本顯示,SBF "有一段時間"想收購 Twitter。

Chaincatcher, according to decrypt, a consultant to the SBF told Elon Musk that the cryptocurrency billionaire "May be interested" in buying Twitter, according to a transcript disclosed in a lawsuit filed against the social media platform.

據牛津大學哲學教授 MacAskill 表示,SBF 願意為 Twitter 收購出資約 80-150 億美元。但摩根士丹利全球技術投資銀行業務負責人 Michael Grimes 後來告訴馬斯克 SBF 只願意交出 50 億美元。(來源鏈接

According to Oxford University philosophy professor MacAskill, SBF is willing to pay between $8 billion and $15 billion for Twitter, but Michael Grimes, head of global technology investment banking at Morgan Stanley, later told Musk that SBF was only willing to hand over $5 billion. (source link)

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