
CryptoQuant CEO:BTC 似乎正在填补曾经由黄金占据的意识形态空间

ChainCatcher 消息,CryptoQuant 创始人兼首席执行官 Ki Young Ju 在 X 平台发文称:“纵观历史,每当美国感觉到其在全球经济中的主导地位受到威胁时,金价就会飙升,围绕金本位的争论就会得到关注。 20 世纪 90 年代末,彼得·希夫 (Peter Schiff) 主张黄金是真正的货币形式,就像今天的比特币极端主义者倡导比特币一样。这些被称为“金虫”的支持者希望恢复金本位。然而,尽管在经济危机期间人们对此兴趣重燃,但美国始终避免这种转变,而是依靠创造性的解决方案来维持增长。在过去 50 年里,金本位一直是过去的遗物。现在,比特币似乎正在填补曾经由黄金占据的意识形态空间。 我个人支持比特币标准的想法。 然而,我怀疑美国是否会在其他经济体停滞不前的同时继续增长,并采用比特币作为战略资产。要使这场辩论获得重大进展,美国需要看到其全球经济主导地位真正受到威胁。目前,市场情绪表明对美国继续保持霸主地位充满信心。 虽然可以想象美国政府可能会购买比特币用于风险管理或经济杠杆,但其动机可能与比特币持有者的想象大不相同。购买比特币以准备比特币标准或作为捍卫美元体系的工具的想法似乎与当前现实相去甚远。 随着全球资本流入美国,许多人仍然相信美元的主导地位是稳固的。 甚至在就职之前,特朗普就不断警告其他世界领导人,美国与其他国家之间存在实力差距。这种言论,加上流入美元的资本增加,可能会重振人们对美元霸权的信心。在我身边,许多韩国人选择美元作为避风港,而不是黄金或比特币,尤其是在韩元贬值的情况下。 如果特朗普成功展现美国经济的韧性、巩固美元的霸权并提高他的支持率,那么他是否会继续在竞选期间表现出的强烈支持比特币的立场还不得而知。他可以很容易地放弃对比特币的倡导,理由是优先事项发生了变化,而不会疏远他的选民基础。 不可否认,特朗普是一位有能力加强美国地位的熟练政治家。 然而,他打算在多大程度上实现他在竞选中关于比特币的言论仍不确定。在比特币大会上,特朗普曾提到比特币是一种战略资产,这是他为比特币标准做准备的真正一步,还是仅仅是为了获得选票而精心策划的举动?”

Monetary economist: Selling the Federal Reserve's gold to buy BTC is equivalent to the government's "backdoor loan."

ChainCatcher news, according to Jinshi reports, U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis's previously proposed funding plan for Bitcoin purchases partially relies on the large gold heritage owned by the United States—these gold reserves were left over from the era when the dollar was pegged to precious metals, allowing dollar holders to exchange dollars for gold at a fixed price.Although the dollar has not been convertible to gold since the early 1970s, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve still hold about 8,100 tons of gold. The government values this gold at $42 per ounce, which is far below the current market price of $2,650.Cynthia Lummis hopes the Treasury can reassess this gold at current market prices and use the paper profits to fund Bitcoin purchases without raising taxes or issuing new national debt. However, critics point out that this operation is not a free lunch; it would require the Federal Reserve to cover the difference between the gold certificates held by the Treasury and the new valuation through a combination of printing money and asset sales.Monetary economist George Selgin argues that this operation amounts to a "backdoor loan" from the government, bypassing the regular appropriation process to avoid new debt and obscuring the truth. Lummis's bill relies heavily on gilded magic, and George Selgin said, "What better way to win public support than to make people believe this plan won't cost a dime?"
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