OKX Runes market's daily trading volume accounts for 51.08%, currently ranking first in the industry
According to ChainCatcher news and data from GeniiData, the trading volume of the OKX Runes market continues to rise, with the trading volume on May 13 accounting for 51.08% of the total rune trading volume, ranking first in the industry. In addition, following its launch on the day of the Bitcoin halving, the trading volume of the OKX Runes market has exceeded 1,024 BTC as of May 13, 2024, with the number of transactions reaching 114,273.
It is reported that the OKX Runes market is the industry's first platform to provide rune trading on the APP side, allowing users to conduct bulk purchases and etching of Runes assets with zero platform fees. In the future, the OKX Runes market will continuously optimize and add more new features based on user feedback.