PancakeSwap now supports TUSD stablecoin-related transactions, with a daily trading volume exceeding 5 million USD
ChainCatcher news, according to CMC Research, PancakeSwap has supported users to trade TUSD directly with other stablecoins, with a daily trading volume of over 5 million dollars for the TUSD/USDT trading pair. TUSD has also been listed on the leading AMM decentralized exchange Curve Finance, where the 24-hour trading volume for the crvUSD/TUSD trading pair is close to 1 million dollars, with liquidity reaching 4.2 million dollars.
In addition, TUSD adopts the Chainlink Proof of Reserves (PoR) mechanism, ensuring continuous on-chain verification of off-chain dollar reserves. Chainlink's PoR mechanism assists TUSD's smart contracts in verifying its total supply before token issuance, ensuring that the supply does not exceed the actual amount of dollars held in reserves.