Ethereum has received the DMC public data proof protocol
ChainCatcher news, Zhicong Liu, former chief engineer of Xunlei and the author of the underlying protocol of DMC, along with William Entriken, the author of the ERC-721 protocol, jointly submitted a public protocol titled "Hybrid Hash and Public Data Storage Proof," indicating that Datamall Coin and ERC are compatible. Ethereum has received the design of the minimum value selection storage proof submitted by Datamall Coin on the Merkle tree. Datamall Coin (DMC) is a decentralized multi-chain storage network that releases the value of data. Through its decentralized technologies such as the CYFS protocol, DSG protocol, and DMC protocol, it provides a revolutionary incentive mechanism for the storage, retrieval, and distribution of data, aiming to lead a new era of data ownership and sharing.