New Polkadot Proposal: Regularly exchange a portion of the treasury's DOT for USDT to pay salaries to Technical Fellowship members
According to ChainCatcher news from PolkaWorld, Polkadot OpenGov Proposal No. 231 suggests using the regular investment feature of the Polkadot ecosystem exchange HydraDX to periodically convert a portion of the treasury's DOT into USDT, in order to accumulate USDT for paying salaries to Technical Fellowship members.
The total amount for this conversion plan is 469,000 DOT, with transaction fees accounting for approximately 0.4% of the total conversion amount. Conversions will occur approximately every 36 minutes, with each transaction yielding 250 USDT, resulting in a daily acquisition of 10,000 USDT. At the current price, the conversion plan is expected to last for 180 days. The strategy of small, frequent conversions is intended to reduce the impact of price volatility. Currently, the approval rate for this public vote is 64.3%, and it is in the decision-making period (ending in 19 days and 21 hours).