Matter Labs: The code has been attributed at the top, Polygon Zero's accusations are unfounded
ChainCatcher news, according to CoinDesk, Matter Labs denied the allegations from Polygon Zero, stating that the code "clearly indicates the source" in a line at the top of one of the files. A Matter Labs spokesperson stated that Polygon's article contains "false claims," and that "the new Boojum high-performance proof system utilizes 5% of Plonky2, which is clearly indicated in the first line of our module."
In a screenshot of a Matter Labs file named "," Polygon stated that the file "does not credit the original author." Matter Labs CEO Alex Gluchowski stated that the first line of the file clearly indicates, "Note: We use the non-vectorized field implementation of Plonky2 as a baseline." However, Matter Labs has not yet responded to other cases mentioned by Polygon Zero.