Web3 Industry Survival Guide: 5 Simple Yet Incredible Methods for Preventing Burnout and Combating Depression

Harsh Whistle
2023-07-13 11:56:04
How people in the Web3 industry maintain high energy levels while standing at the forefront of the wave.

Author: Beichen, the Harsh Whistle

It seems that the most discussed topic among friends in the Web3 industry last week was depression…

This industry is indeed more prone to burnout than others, as it constantly provides a rollercoaster-like emotional experience, making you feel like you must "stay forever young and always on the verge of tears." You also have to keep up with the latest knowledge and insider information, or else you lose your talking points for the next few days.

So, while outsiders see Web3 practitioners living a comfortable life hopping from café to café with Wi-Fi, they are actually the ultimate evolution of corporate slaves—heading towards burnout in a chaotic consumption pattern (because you never know what will happen in Web3 next).

This article won't discuss the Web3 industry anymore; instead, let's talk about how people in the Web3 industry can maintain high energy levels and stay at the top of the wave (instead of falling off or lagging behind)?

While overwork and depression cannot be completely avoided, death from overwork and depression can definitely be prevented. Although there are many similar experience posts, they are almost destined to be "impossible tasks," unless you are a tough person.

Here are 5 very effective and painless solutions compiled by "Harsh Whistle" (the 5th one is the most effective), welcome fellow sufferers to take note!

1. Follow the Circadian Rhythm

Without the hassle of clocking in for work early, Web3 nomads tend to stay up late much more than ordinary white-collar workers.

There is a naive and arrogant viewpoint that believes as long as you get 8 hours of sleep and have a regular schedule, it’s enough. They completely ignore the circadian rhythm phenomenon that exists from bacteria and plants to mammals. In fact, unless you have genetically edited yourself, do not go against the biological laws that have evolved over billions of years. Following the human biological clock is the most basic prerequisite for maintaining energy and emotional stability.

While we don't have to force ourselves to sleep at 10 PM, we should still try to avoid being awake until two or three in the morning. Otherwise, over time, the incidence of sudden death and depression will rise linearly. But often, it's not that we don't want to sleep; it's that we can't. There are actually two very effective ways to solve insomnia—sunlight intake and body temperature rhythm.

1. Let the Retina Absorb More Sunlight

Our circadian rhythm is encoded in our genes, and it aligns closely with the Earth's rotation cycle (24 hours) mainly because light sources dominate the calibration of the biological clock (temperature, diet, sound, etc., also play a supporting role).

Note that sunlight intake does not conflict with sun protection, as the ultimate goal is to allow the retina to absorb sufficient sunlight, which will inhibit the production of melatonin, making you feel more alert. Melatonin secretion begins only when the light is dim, inducing sleep. If you don't get enough sunlight during the day, melatonin starts to be secreted prematurely, and by night, it will be nearly depleted, making it difficult to fall asleep.

This is why after driving all afternoon or even just lying on the beach for an afternoon, you can sleep soundly at night, even if you haven't expended much physical or mental energy.

2. Increase Body Temperature Variation

Although the circadian rhythm is mainly determined by light sources, changes in body temperature also play a significant role. When body temperature rises, people feel more awake and energetic; when it drops, they often feel tired and fatigued.

So, exercising and getting sunlight during the day will raise your body temperature, making you feel more alert, and it will also help your body temperature drop faster at night, leading to better sleep quality (a necessary condition for entering deep sleep is a decrease in core body temperature).

Other easy ways to increase body temperature variation include taking baths and using air conditioning in the summer.

2. Maintain an Active State

The nature of work for Web3 nomads means their nerves are constantly switching between relaxation and tension, which greatly helps improve actual work efficiency. The body should also switch back and forth between stillness and activity.

However, if I suggest you keep exercising, that would be redundant and likely ineffective, as it goes against human nature, making it hard to stick with.

In fact, there’s no need to pursue heavy weights or high intensity; intermittent light exercise that raises your heart rate to 120, or even just taking a walk, is sufficient—you will feel completely refreshed.

In summary, being in an active state from time to time will activate the body to deliver more blood to the brain and muscles. This has evolved from long hunting and gathering activities. According to behavioral medicine experiments, even just moving for 1 minute every hour can lower blood pressure by 5%.

Countless psychological experiments have proven that walking can significantly enhance creativity; it's practically a form of productivity.

3. Interact with the Real World

Web3 nomads spend a lot of time in the digital world. While it hasn't reached the level of the virtual world in "The Matrix," most of their waking hours (especially attention) are spent in the virtual world, which can easily lead to anxiety. Therefore, it’s essential to quickly rebuild your real world.

1. Dine In Whenever Possible

Ordering takeout is convenient, but it keeps us glued to the screen, even during meals. So, why not avoid takeout altogether and walk to a nearby restaurant? At least it allows you to interact with real people in real settings.

2. Meet Real People

Web3 nomads, who roam the digital world, often find themselves isolated from the real world. It’s beneficial to meet friends from the real world and chat in a relaxed environment. This is a need even for introverts, just with varying capacities.

You can even just walk alone to a trendy store or street to soak in the atmosphere, which can help establish your sense of reality in this world.

3. Get into Nature

Psychological experiments have shown that students resting in parks perform better on cognitive tasks than those in urban areas. Even just viewing images of nature versus the city can lead to significant differences in performance.

4. Annual Health Check-Up

The importance of health check-ups for Web3 nomads seems unnecessary to emphasize, as the mainstream demographic of commercial health check centers is post-95s, but it is incredibly important! There is no cheaper form of healthcare than a health check-up.

Most internal diseases come on suddenly, but they usually have a long accumulation period, and can be detected early on. Very early abnormal indicators do not require medication; simply following medical advice regarding diet, exercise, and other habits is sufficient.

If you can directly feel discomfort, it means you are already ill… Early detection and treatment are crucial; even if you are healthy, a check-up can provide peace of mind.

5. Dietary Nutritional Supplements

This is the most significant recommendation in this article regarding preventing sudden death and combating depression! Because it is simple and effective (after all, you just need to place an order, but for more specific information and products, please search for them yourself).

Regarding nutritional supplements, there are usually two opposing misconceptions.

Extreme supporters believe they can replace daily diet or even medication, as the nutrients required by the human body are limited. This is based on middle school biology knowledge guiding clinical practice; it cannot be said to be wrong, but it is indeed filled with misunderstandings due to gaps in knowledge.

Extreme opponents believe they are a tax on intelligence or even have side effects, thinking that daily diet is sufficient and that one should go directly to the hospital if ill. This is also based on middle school biology knowledge guiding clinical practice, but it leads to a completely opposite conclusion.

Dietary nutritional supplements cannot completely replace diet, but the average person's diet is not entirely normal. Moreover, under different lifestyles, the consumption or synthesis rate of nutrients in the body varies.

Here are supplements recommended for Web3 nomads who are long-term overworked and depressed (for example, the need for supplements to combat depression in a leisurely 9-to-5 lifestyle is not as high). They have been rigorously tested with random, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group settings, and are mature in efficacy and safety. I believe that with the research capabilities of Web3 nomads, a more comprehensive and accurate list can soon be compiled.

It is important to note that after taking daily nutritional supplements for a period, returning to the initial dosage may lead to metabolic burdens on the body, so dosage can be adjusted accordingly.

1. Coenzyme Q10: Heart Power

Due to the global time differences that Web3 digital nomads often experience, Coenzyme Q10 is highly recommended. One important reason why staying up all night was fine at 20 but becomes difficult with age is that the content of Coenzyme Q10 in heart muscle peaks at 20, and the ability to synthesize it declines after 25.

The energy conversion in human cells relies on Coenzyme Q10. If we compare mitochondria to energy processing factories within cells, then Coenzyme Q10 is the conveyor belt supplying fuel to this factory, which is especially needed by the heart, a highly energy-consuming organ.

Thus, the level of Coenzyme Q10 is closely related to the severity of heart failure. Mild deficiency can lead to chest tightness and fatigue, moderate deficiency can cause palpitations and angina, and severe deficiency can lead to sudden death. It is worth additional supplementation for anyone who stays up late regularly.

Don't worry about its side effects, as it is not a hormone but a substance similar to vitamins. It is safe to use as a daily supplement within safe dosages.

2. Multivitamins: Rescue for Picky Eaters

Vitamins are a series of trace organic compounds that maintain normal physiological functions in the human body, so they serve multiple functions, with different vitamin deficiencies having corresponding symptoms.

Daily diet can supplement certain vitamins, but given the lifestyle and dietary structure of Web3 digital nomads, additional supplementation is still necessary (for example, staying up late can lead to extra consumption of vitamins, and if not replenished in time, it can cause closed comedones, oral ulcers, etc.).

The most convenient way to supplement daily is to take multivitamins, which generally contain all the vitamins needed by the body and often include other components (various minerals and trace elements, but not too many). Of course, if you are a serious nutrition enthusiast, you can directly mix according to your real-time needs.

It is important to note that more vitamins are not necessarily better; excessive intake not only leads to poor absorption but also increases the burden on the liver and kidneys.

3. Fish Oil: From Cardiovascular to Hair

The main effective components of fish oil are Omega-3s composed of EPA and DHA, which are essential fatty acids for the human body, primarily acting on the cardiovascular system.

If you don’t have a habit of eating at least two servings of fish (like boiled fish or grilled fish) each week, you are likely deficient in it. This is why Eskimos and fishermen around the world, despite eating fewer fruits and vegetables, rarely suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

The most compelling example for recommending fish oil is to use pets as a reference. For pet owners, when cats and dogs have dull and sparse fur, taking fish oil quickly restores their shine and thickness…

There are hundreds of brands of fish oil, and different people have varying sensitivities to Omega-3 content and price, so choose a reputable brand within your budget.

4. PQQ: Clear Brain Fog

PQQ is also a coenzyme; while Coenzyme Q10 transports energy to mitochondria, PQQ can directly promote the growth of mitochondria, so they are usually taken together.

The most direct effect of Coenzyme Q10 is on heart muscle capacity, while PQQ's effects focus more on repairing and generating nerve cells, with more noticeable effects on cognitive function, such as preventing dementia and enhancing memory. The most intuitive effect is clearing brain fog (difficulty concentrating, slow reactions, etc.).

Brain fog is largely a result of excessive accumulation of free radicals in brain cells, and PQQ can stimulate the repair and growth of nerve cells, thereby clearing free radicals and enhancing learning and memory abilities.

5. NMN: Anti-Aging

As a new darling in anti-aging, NMN (β-nicotinamide mononucleotide) has seen its price soar to tens of thousands for a single bottle, even leading to the emergence of NMN concept stocks.

NMN actually belongs to the common Vitamin B3 (which also includes niacin and nicotinamide). It does not directly participate in cellular metabolism but is converted into coenzyme NAD+ to exert its effects, participating in almost all cellular reactions (such as energy generation, damage repair, metabolism, tissue regeneration, etc.), and its levels decline with age.

However, the NAD+ molecule is too large, and direct supplementation leads to low absorption efficiency, so smaller precursor molecules (like niacin and nicotinamide) are supplemented, which are then synthesized (or broken down into) NAD+ in the body. The best NAD+ precursor is NMN, thus supplementing NMN can help maintain cellular vitality and even reverse cellular aging.

However, it is worth noting that if you already have cancer cells in your body, excessively high NAD+ levels may accelerate tumor growth. Additionally, some people have reported increased appetite and subsequent weight gain after supplementing NMN due to significantly enhanced metabolic levels…

6. Complex Amino Acids: Quick Recovery of Physical Strength

Amino acid supplements are more commonly used by fitness enthusiasts because they provide energy and promote muscle recovery, but they are also suitable for ordinary people.

Supplementing amino acids essentially supplements protein, as the protein we consume in food is broken down by digestive enzymes into 24 basic amino acids, which are then re-synthesized into specific proteins (over 50,000 types).

As we age, the secretion of digestive enzymes decreases, leading to reduced efficiency in breaking down proteins into amino acids, resulting in lower protein utilization. This means that supplementing protein does not guarantee it will be absorbed by the body, so we should supplement amino acids in addition to dietary protein.

Moreover, compared to protein powder, supplementing amino acids places a lighter burden on the liver.

7. Magnesium, Zinc, and South African Sceletium: Regulate Mood

The risk of mental illness for Web3 nomads is not limited to depression but includes bipolar disorder, which involves alternating episodes of depression and mania…

Symptoms of bipolar disorder include periods of high energy and enthusiasm, followed by low mood and fatigue. For example, Wang Huiwen, who was ambitious about creating large models a few months ago, has recently experienced depression, which is a typical case of bipolar disorder (rather than simple depression).

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that requires medical attention, but we can also take preventive measures. In addition to the previously mentioned fish oil, vitamins, amino acids, etc., adequately supplementing trace elements like magnesium and zinc can help balance the normal secretion of stress-related hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

Additionally, some plant compounds can also help regulate mood, such as South African Sceletium (with effective components being mesembrine).

8. Curcumin: Hangover Relief and Liver Protection

Curcumin is a major component of many hangover remedies and has a noticeable liver-protective effect (it may not necessarily increase alcohol tolerance, but it significantly reduces discomfort).

However, the efficacy of curcumin is primarily based on experience, and there is no clear clinical evidence to support its effectiveness.


It is important to note that many health supplement ingredients may overlap, making it easy to consume in excess. Therefore, if you are taking multiple supplements simultaneously, you should reduce the intake accordingly.

The above recommendations prioritize choosing those with national drug approval numbers (such as Coenzyme Q10, nicotinamide Vitamin B3). If unavailable, opt for reputable brands, as they are generally safer and more reliable in terms of manufacturing processes. Feel free to add any other dietary nutritional supplements and related information that you find effective.


For Web3 nomads who are long-term overworked and depressed, this article presents five effective and "painless" solutions in practice.

1. Follow the circadian rhythm. This is the most basic prerequisite for maintaining energy and emotional stability. Very effective methods include allowing the retina to absorb more sunlight and increasing body temperature variation.

2. Maintain an active state. There’s no need to pursue heavy weights or high intensity; intermittent light exercise that raises your heart rate to 120, or even just taking a walk, is sufficient—you will feel completely refreshed.

3. Interact with the real world. Quick ways to rebuild your real world include: 1. Dine in whenever possible; 2. Meet real people; 3. Get into nature.

4. Annual health check-up. There is no cheaper form of healthcare than a health check-up. Early detection and treatment are crucial; even if you are healthy, a check-up can provide peace of mind.

5. Dietary nutritional supplements. 1. Coenzyme Q10, which is worth additional supplementation for anyone who stays up late regularly; 2. Multivitamins to rescue picky eaters; 3. Fish oil that protects from cardiovascular issues to hair; 4. PQQ for clearing brain fog; 5. NMN for anti-aging; 6. Complex amino acids for quick recovery of physical strength; 7. Magnesium, zinc, and South African Sceletium for mood regulation; 8. Curcumin for hangover relief and liver protection.

Finally, here’s a divergent question—yesterday, Keep went public in Hong Kong with a market value of HKD 15.928 billion, while StepN, which has dropped 95% from its peak market value, is still valued at HKD 1.95 billion.

If StepN's narrative "your steps are more valuable than you think" holds true, could we launch a Web3 health project? After all, "your body is more valuable than you think," and the experience of nutritional supplements is more intuitive, with a similarly low threshold.

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