Bitget launches a new user event CandyBomb, with a total prize pool of 60,000 BGB
ChainCatcher message, Bitget has launched a new round of CandyBomb, which is only open to new users this time. In this trading pool, 1 ticket equals 6 BGB, with a total prize pool of 48,000 BGB; in the invitation pool, 1 ticket equals 20 BGB, with a total prize pool of 12,000 BGB, totaling 60,000 BGB.
The total prize pool of the last CandyBomb, which was 60,000 BGB, has been fully distributed as of May 28 at 18:00 (UTC+8). The registration/activity time for this CandyBomb-BGB is from May 29 at 15:00 to June 12 at 15:00 (UTC+8); the announcement of the winning results will be on June 12 at 18:00 (UTC+8); the airdrop distribution time will be on June 12 at 18:00 (UTC+8); the airdrop unlock time will be on June 12 at 18:00 (UTC+8) with 100% unlock. (Source link)