Uniswap's temperature check vote on the proposal for "cross-chain deployment and creation of new subdomains after the expiration of the commercial source code license" has passed
ChainCatcher message, the temperature check vote on the Uniswap community's proposal regarding "cross-chain deployment and the creation of new uniswap.eth subdomains after the expiration of the Business Source License (BSL)" has concluded, passing with a 100% support rate.
According to the proposal, Erin Koen, the new governance lead of the Uniswap Foundation, stated that it would be beneficial to determine an official Uniswap V3 deployment for each chain after the BSL expires, in order to provide users with security assurances and clarify Uniswap governance. Additionally, to align with the recommended governance process after the BSL expiration, the Uniswap Foundation suggests creating a new ENS subdomain v3-deployments.uniswap.eth to track the official deployments of Uniswap V3 on L1 and L2. (source link)