Bitget launches the "KOL Content Creation" incentive program, with individuals able to earn up to $3,500 in rewards
ChainCatcher message, Bitget has launched the "KOL Content Creation" incentive campaign, where participating content creators can share a prize pool of $25,000, with individuals eligible for up to $3,500 in rewards.
Event duration: February 24, 15:00 ------ March 5, 24:00. The steps to participate are as follows:
Step 1: Have at least 500 followers on any social media channel (public account, Zhihu, other content platforms, Twitter, YouTube, etc.);
Step 2: Choose any one of the following content themes to create original videos, images, articles, blogs, or any content, and share and submit; 1) Bitget Spot Innovation Zone / other popular sections (2) Bitget Launchpad / BGB ecosystem, etc. (3) Various functions of Bitget contracts / copy trading / strategy trading, etc. (Source link)