Overview of the first donation project in the Mask Network ecosystem

2022-11-25 15:59:46
Mask Grant will be conducted four times a year, with the next one planned for early 2023.

Source: DimensionTech


Mask Network is dedicated to building the Web3 social ecosystem and supporting the development of Web3 public goods.

The Mask Grant program aims to fund selected projects and enhance their value within the Web3 or Mask Network ecosystem. With rich product development experience, a good reputation, and extensive resource connections, Mask DAO will promote the accelerated growth of the entire Grant project ecosystem through resource sharing and collaboration.

Mask Network is pleased to announce the list of the first batch of Mask Grant selected projects and will donate $10,000 worth of $MASK tokens to each selected project. After several rounds of screening, a total of 18 projects were selected for this round of donation activities.

In the social domain, we are excited to see that 9 selected projects come from different directions. These include DID wallets, feed stream protocols, data analysis tools and platforms, and Web3 identities, highlighting the vibrant and diverse development in the Web3 social field.

In addition to social projects, Mask Grant places great importance on the development of Web3 public goods and is willing to provide ongoing support. In this round of donations, 9 projects are focused on social aspects, while 9 are public goods (non-social). Notably, we do not require projects in the public goods category to have any connection with the Mask social ecosystem.

In the public goods sector, the 9 selected projects come from a broader range of fields, including creative platforms, entrepreneur communities, Rollups, Web3 note-taking tools, security solutions, wallet tools, and decentralized science. Support for these public goods reflects Mask's commitment to building the entire Web3 world.

At the same time, the 18 selected projects come from countries and regions such as China, the United States, Russia, Japan, France, and Germany; this also demonstrates Mask Grant's active support for the regional diversity of Web3 development.

Web3 Social Field

1. Soul Wallet

Twitter: https://twitter.com/soulwallet_eth

Website: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/soul-wallet-5srye

Soul Wallet is the first smart contract wallet to support ERC-4337, enabling Ethereum abstract accounts through plugins and mobile clients. It allows users to: 1. Create wallets via email, 2. Receive funds without deploying contracts, 3. Change signature keys through social recovery, 4. Pay and trade with ERC-20 tokens (such as $WETH, $DAI). Soul Wallet realizes the Ethereum community's vision of account abstraction and social recovery, allowing users to recover lost wallets in minutes, lowering the barrier for billions of users to access Ethereum. Soul Wallet won first place in the "Account Abstraction" category at the ETHGlobal Bogota hackathon.

2. Interface

Twitter: https://twitter.com/interfacedapp

Website: https://www.interface.social/

Interface is a social feed stream application that transforms on-chain interaction behaviors and data into user-readable, easy-to-understand information streams. Developers can create independent plugins based on this information and data, such as standalone information recommendation algorithm engines.

In the future, Interface plans to enable users to interact directly with on-chain contracts within the app's information streams. Users can not only track the latest on-chain activities of users they follow, such as launching new NFT collections or new listings on OpenSea, but also interact with those activities directly in Interface, such as purchasing or participating in NFT auctions, with just a small fee paid to Interface. Interface is also one of the earliest external projects to integrate Mask Network and RSS3 social data.

3. Bfrenz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bfre_nz

Website: https://bfre.nz/

Bfrenz aims to become the best cryptocurrency-native social media platform, with products including the Bfrenz app and Bfrenz DAO. The Bfrenz app is an aggregation application focused on Web3 news and on-chain data, discovering interesting aspects of the Web3 new world through user likes and comments. In the past two months, over 1,000 users participated in the closed beta test of the iOS version and expressed their appreciation. Bfrenz DAO is a learning organization advocating the dissemination of cutting-edge Web3 technologies. Currently, Bfrenz DAO has over 5,000 active members and plans to help over 100,000 users within a year. The founder of Bfrenz previously served as the number one product manager at WeChat.

4. TwitterScan | NNS

TwitterScan Website: https://twitterscan.io/

NNS Website: https://nft.spac

TwitterScan Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetascanPro

NNS Twitter: https://twitter.com/nftnameservice

Discord: discord.gg/twitterscan

TwitterScan and NNS are collaborating to create a cross-chain naming service network that connects users, information, and assets.

TwitterScan is an open, user-driven, collaborative information aggregation platform that also provides data analysis for cryptocurrency and NFT markets. TwitterScan captures Twitter information related to cryptocurrency and NFT markets, presenting key information across multiple dimensions, such as project attention, the number of whales following projects, and project pricing, helping users quickly locate popular projects, identify quality users, discover new projects, and recognize trending topics, greatly simplifying the user information acquisition process and effectively assisting users in making investment decisions. TwitterScan builds a bridge between project parties and KOLs, helping project parties expand their user base and brand awareness through the influence of KOLs.

TwitterScan's API can assist all projects in the Mask ecosystem in identifying truly influential individuals for collaboration during promotional/marketing activities. Additionally, TwitterScan's powerful traffic pool can help projects in the Mask ecosystem guide and convert users, assisting projects in gaining more user and market attention during operational activities. It will also guide more Web2 users to transition to Web3.

NNS (NFT Name Service) is a decentralized identifier naming service network based on Ethereum (and will later be multi-chain), securely connecting individuals, data, assets, and services in the cryptocurrency domain. By enabling individuals to manage the connections between their personal information and assets, NNS aims to create a fully composable, decentralized social network.

5. Superfans

Twitter: https://twitter.com/trysuperfans

Website: https://spfns.xyz/

Superfans aims to establish the infrastructure for user-contributed data and a community data platform to accommodate the next billion active contributors in Web3. Superfans aggregates and monitors fans' on-chain and off-chain activities in both Web2 and Web3, enabling businesses to better understand their fans and reward their contributions while discovering relevant partnerships.

Superfans will provide a community-driven, multi-chain version of Etherscan for Mask and the entire Web3 ecosystem, expanding with social data.

6. Port3 Network

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Port3Network

Website: https://www.port3.io/

Port3 serves as an entry point for Web3 social user insights, currently boasting over 3.3 million users across Telegram, Twitter, and Discord, with an average daily active user count of 11,000. Port3 aggregates data from Telegram, Twitter, and Discord through bots (both on-chain and off-chain), ultimately generating statistical and analytical results. Currently, Port3 covers 8 Layer 1s and most EVMs. Additionally, Port3 provides social data aggregation capabilities for other Web2 applications. Port3 is building new products that will offer open and composable modules for many projects, including Mask Network.

7. Jolocom

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GETJolocom

Website: https://jolocom.io/

Since 2014, Jolocom has been supporting and promoting self-sovereign identity. Jolocom is a founding member of DWeb, INATBA, and Bundesblock, and a long-term supporter and active member of DIF, IIW, and W3C. Jolocom is committed to upholding the principles of SSI and has developed a fully open-source tech stack, including a library, an SDK, and a user-facing smart wallet. In the early stages of digital identity, JOLOCOM has been at the forefront of development agencies in Germany and Europe, attracting the attention of regulators and legislators. JOLOCOM has been chosen as the technology provider for three-quarters of the German government's secure digital identity display projects.

8. Aspecta

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aspecta_id

Website: https://aspecta.id/

Aspecta creates a new digital identity for users through pioneering AI solutions: Aspecta ID. The core of Aspecta ID lies in the deep understanding and aggregation of data, allowing users to connect their Web2 and Web3 accounts, such as Github, Stack Overflow, wallet addresses, etc., to obtain Aspecta ID (an automatically generated personal webpage) that showcases insights across thousands of skill dimensions, highlights hundreds of experiences, potential for future career development, and links to users with similar skills and potential. Based on this personal webpage, users can further obtain their digital twin identity, including NFTs, Metaverse avatars, etc. Aspecta is composed of serial entrepreneurs from Yale University, the University of California, Berkeley, and Tsinghua University, with Dr. Steve Liu, former chief scientist of Tinder, serving as a technical advisor.

Aspecta ID serves as the gateway and portal for every user entering the cross Web2 & Web3 world. Aspecta starts with developers, bringing more Web2 developers into the Web3 world and greatly expanding the application of Mask Network's DID protocol Next.ID in professional scenarios. Developers and project parties can also use Aspecta to quickly form teams during hackathons.

9. The Rift (Hyper XP)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LootRift

Website: https://rift.live/

The Rift (HyperXP) is a gaming identity protocol that enables developers of Web3 projects to implement a trustless, decentralized XP system protocol on-chain to recognize and reward user activities and participation (playing games, governance voting, community engagement).

The Rift initially aimed to become the gaming identity/experience point system for the Loot universe, but it has evolved beyond the Loot ecosystem, evolving from various CC0 NFTs to the entire Web3 gaming world.

For Web3 project parties, implementing a shared on-chain XP system can incentivize, identify, and reward the most active and engaged users, building bridges with other projects in the broader Hyperverse. For users, a well-designed XP system can reward their participation with value, such as unlocking mints, gaining privileges, discovering hidden entrances, and receiving airdrops.

Web3 Public Goods Field (Non-Social)

1. Genesis Scroll (Creative Writing Program of the Loot Universe)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/openquill?s=21&t=-fLp0ox-nosyw1rHkfyCBg

Website: https://openquill.foundation

Over a year ago, Dom left the world with an irreplaceable masterpiece, Loot. He intentionally left it blank, preserving only the text, bringing endless imagination and firmly capturing everyone's attention. After the brief hype passed, many thought Loot was dead, but in fact, for over a year, hundreds of developers and writers have tirelessly and almost voluntarily contributed to the improvement of the Loot universe, gradually filling the imaginative space left by Dom and transforming the Loot universe into a rich existence with dozens of projects and hundreds of legends. The earlier mentioned The Rift (HyperXP) is one of them.

We believe Loot is a public good belonging to the Web3 world, a great canvas for developers, writers, musicians, and other creators to participate in co-creation, a good experimental field. As Loot core contributor Timshel said:

" The game becomes more interesting with a story behind it The story becomes more enticing with a worldview behind it The world becomes more vivid with a game in it "

Genesis Scroll, led by Timshel, is one of the most active projects in the Loot universe, a creative writing program aimed at enriching the entire ecosystem with rich story backgrounds. Have you ever tried to write your own "A Song of Ice and Fire," or "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," or the tales of Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun? Now is your chance. Dom created 8,000 basic characters in the Loot universe and secretly arranged rules and timelines in the contract. From this foundation, each character has their own stories and those of their ancestors, and you can become the author of those stories.

Genesis Scroll is laying the groundwork for a decentralized, vast, multimedia sci-fi world. As a catalyst for building the Loot world and inspiring more communities beyond Web3, Genesis Scroll is guiding the creation of a Web3-native "book," which will include a collection of short stories from the Lootverse and provide unconditional funding for writers, to be published in the public domain for everyone to participate in co-creation. This will be the first truly on-chain "book," achieving (1) on the Eth Layer 1 chain (2) within an NFT (3) as a physical book.

In addition to the donations received from the Loot official DAO, Genesis Scroll received support worth over $30,000 (then 10 ETH) from Figma founder Dylan Field more than six months ago. This donation has been used to support over 70 authors, who have collectively contributed over 100,000 words of work.

2. Notfellows

Twitter: https://twitter.com/notfellows

Website: https://notfellows.xyz/

Notfellows is a community composed of 100% crypto-native and globally distributed outstanding young builders. Most researchers in the community are entrepreneurs themselves and have strong technical backgrounds. Notfellows aims to support builders in the crypto world with a diverse value proposition system, including hacker houses, close conversations with high-quality experts, and ecosystem partnership support.

Notfellows was initially formed by a group of young people rejected by Paradigm Fellow. With a single-digit acceptance rate, competition was fierce. However, this unexpectedly sparked an epic journey: why not have fun together with those who were rejected? Who says these people can't build great products? Now, Notfellows' ETH Bogota house has produced 11 award-winning projects and one ETHGlobal finals project.

Notfellows also embodies a spirit similar to Mask Network's dropout scholarship. With the support of Mask and other partners, Notfellows will tirelessly support young people in the Web3 field and recommend these young talents to the entire Web3 ecosystem.

3. Moonshot Commons

Twitter: https://twitter.com/buildmoonshot

Website: https://moonshotcommons.com/

Moonshot Commons was established in early 2021 when over 20 Gen-Z young engineers decided to come together to do something different. They built a brain-computer interface application, rocket boosters, and many other interesting small projects in three days. A year later, Moonshot Commons has formed a vibrant community of engineers. The goal of Moonshot Commons is to become the "South Park Common" for Web3 Gen-Z engineers. Moonshot Commons currently has over 6,000 members, and 30 projects within the community have received venture capital funding. From day one, Moonshot Commons has supported Gen-Z tech founders, believing that the next SpaceX will be technology-driven and belong to Gen-Z, who may initially be misunderstood but will ultimately create waves globally.

Moonshot Commons focuses on campus talent, supporting Mask Network and the Web3 ecosystem by attracting, mentoring, and incubating Gen-Z builders. These talents become founders or early engineers after graduation and benefit from the technology and community of Moonshot Commons, becoming ecosystem partners of Moonshot Commons. Outside of campus channels, Moonshot Commons also builds brand influence by publishing industry interviews, research reports, founder dialogues, and other activities to expand its influence among early entrepreneurs. At the same time, Moonshot Commons holds two hackathons each year to provide entrepreneurs with a venue to build and iterate on Web3 ideas.

Mask Network participated as a sponsor and partner in the 2022 Moonshot Web3 Summer Hackathon, witnessing 523 teams register, with 25 teams ultimately demonstrating their products at South Park Commons NYC. Moonshot will help Mask Network continuously expand its influence among early entrepreneurs and help Mask Network maintain contact with outstanding entrepreneurial ideas from every generation of young people.

4. Intmax

Twitter: https://twitter.com/intmaxRU

Website: https://intmax.io/

Intmax's scalability allows zkRollup gas costs to be less than 1% of traditional zkRollups and is the first to achieve ultra-scalability and privacy in Rollups. The first phase of Intmax supports ultra-scalability and privacy for limited purposes, such as transferring/exchanging/minting ERC20/NFTs. Intmax's biometric interface enables non-crypto users to easily engage with Layer 2.

The second phase will provide ultra-scalability and privacy for general functionalities. This allows typical network applications to be deployed on zkRollup, bringing value sources from outside the crypto world to DeFi. Intmax can send thousands of NFTs and ERC20s to multiple recipients in a single transaction, with transaction fees below $0.0001. Intmax's technical architecture has been widely discussed in the ETH community and has received positive feedback (including from Vitalik).

Recently, the wedding of Intmax founders Leona and Mai (former Miss Bitcoin) has also been a significant event in the Japanese cryptocurrency world. Mai is a core influencer in Japan's Web3 space and will play an important role in the Intmax project.

5. Word Block

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JESSCATE93

Website: https://devpost.com/software/the-word-block

Word Block is a Web3 note-taking tool built for open and interactive block references. All users can publish their notes (or articles, websites) composed of text units with wallet signatures.

Word Block will continue to build a Web3 note-taking tool and an aggregated literary system. Word Block is passionate about exploring new possibilities for interaction between content and individual users, believing that it serves as a bridge connecting the Web2 environment and the Web3 signature economy, as well as a "container" for the new publishing era.

6. Scam Sniffer

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realScamSniffer

Website: https://scamsniffer.io/

Scam Sniffer is a Web3 anti-fraud solution that integrates API, Chrome extensions, and Discord bots. Scam Sniffer can identify fraudulent websites and malicious transactions in real-time to protect individual users. Scam Sniffer's vision is to create the most respected and widely adopted anti-fraud platform, built and owned by the community.

Currently, the gateway to Web3 is digital wallets, but efforts in anti-fraud are limited. While MetaMask has its built-in anti-phishing blacklist, its updates are infrequent and cannot prevent newly established phishing sites. The Scam Sniffer team initially built a Twitter detection extension based on Mask Network and won an award at the ETH Shanghai Hackathon.

7. Secure3

Twitter: https://twitter.com/secure3io

Website: https://www.secure3.io/

Secure3 is the next-generation smart competitive auditing platform dedicated to empowering a safer, more cost-effective, and more responsible Web3 security ecosystem. Through AI and human corrections, as well as a bounty mechanism based entirely on auditors' individual performance, the Secure3 platform incentivizes the top talents in the community to help Web3 project parties find the most severe, easily overlooked, and challenging vulnerabilities in the shortest time at a lower cost.

8. Mest

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mest_io

Website: https://www.mest.io/

Mest is a wallet analysis tool that allows users to understand what is in their wallets, transaction history, and how to trade better. The product features only a search box and a set of wallet profiles. Mest will focus on analyzing and depicting the most straightforward wallet profiles: 1. Calculating transaction costs and profits, 2. Analyzing trading behavior characteristics, 3. Discovering better trading decisions. Mest plans to build tools for the Gitcoin community to provide a comprehensive understanding of Gitcoin and its grant operations.

9. Opsci

Twitter: https://twitter.com/opscientia

Website: https://opsci.io/

OpSci's mission is to incubate and develop web-native tools for scientific identity, reputation, and certificate management. OpSci will work closely with the community to combine existing Web3 technologies with academic accounts and certificate systems.

OpSci's goals include seamless login with traditional Web2 systems, low-barrier zero-knowledge account creation, encrypted verification of linked identities, creating a publicly available distributed, immutable, and versioned social graph, and importing activity profiles, papers, and databases. The tools developed will be released in a publishable format as open-source and provided as free or low-cost services to early adopters of DeSci.

Without the support of partners, Mask Network could not have achieved such success today, so we have decided to pass on the spirit of mutual support in the Web3 world. Our goal is to fund approximately 50 projects in the first year, with each project receiving an average of $10,000 worth of $MASK tokens (totaling $500,000 worth of $MASK tokens).

Mask Grant will be conducted four times a year, with the next round planned for early 2023. We welcome and look forward to applications from passionate Web3 entrepreneurs!

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