How to claim character NFTs in the new Loot-style game Rarity?
Source: Rhythm BlockBeats
On September 5, YFI founder Andre Cronje announced the launch of a Loot-like game called Rarity, inspired by Loot, which features 11 different characters. After players create their characters, they can gain experience points (XP) through adventures in the game. Players consume XP to level up their characters and acquire unique skills. Once they reach a certain level and possess specific skills, players can craft items and auction them on the secondary market.
AC stated that he is a gaming enthusiast and will spend his spare time refining this game. Currently, Rarity only allows players to mint their characters, which means claiming an NFT. Players only need to pay Gas to claim their character NFT. Rarity is based on the Fantom chain, so claiming is almost free.
Since Loot-type projects do not have a front end, players need to mint in their browsers. However, Rarity is slightly different because players can choose different characters. All Rarity NFT mints differ from Loot-type projects. Rhythm BlockBeats has compiled a minting tutorial for reference.
Rarity Character NFT Minting Tutorial
First, this is a game on the Fantom chain, and players need a Fantom wallet. Set up RPC in MetaMask as follows:
Second, minting NFTs requires Gas, which needs to be paid in Fantom on the Fantom chain. Players should have a few FTM in their Fantom network wallet.
Players using an FTM wallet for the first time can complete this operation via cross-chain. First, buy ERC-20 FTM on Uniswap, then open the cross-chain tool to transfer ERC-20 FTM to the Fantom network. Note that the minimum transfer amount for this cross-chain tool is 200 FTM, with a fee of 80 FTM, meaning you will receive 120 FTM. Since the Gas fees for interacting with the Fantom network are minimal, 5-10 FTM can allow for extended gameplay, and 120 FTM should be more than enough for playing Rarity.
Preparation is complete.
Minting Rarity Character NFT
Open the Fantom browser and enter the Rarity contract, then find Write Contract, which opens:
Find Connect to Web3 and link your MetaMask wallet. Ensure that your wallet network is set to the Fantom network.
Next, choose a character. AC has designed 11 characters for his Rarity world, which are:
1. Barbarian
2. Bard
3. Cleric
4. Druid
5. Fighter
6. Monk
7. Paladin
8. Ranger
9. Rogue
10. Sorcerer
11. Wizard
Each character corresponds to its preceding number, such as "1" for Barbarian.
In the browser, find 8. summon, and enter a number from 1-11 in the input area, where the number represents the character. If you prefer the Rogue character, enter 9. Currently, there is not much information about the characters, so players can choose freely. After entering the number, click Write to bring up the MetaMask interaction. Note that under normal circumstances, only a very small amount of FTM is needed. If the Gas fee is excessively high, such as tens of thousands of FTM, it indicates an error, and do not confirm.
Once the transaction is confirmed, players should open a new window in the Fantom browser, search for their Fantom address, and find the recently completed transaction, then locate the newly minted Token ID.
Each NFT can complete one adventure per day. Return to the recently minted NFT's Fantom browser, find 1. adventure in Write contract, and enter the Token ID you just found. Click Write. Similarly, under normal circumstances, only a very small amount of FTM is needed. If the Gas fee is excessively high, such as tens of thousands of FTM, it indicates an error, and do not confirm.
Wait for the transaction to be confirmed, and the Rarity character NFT will be successfully claimed.